Terms & Conditions

Student Terms and Conditions 

United Arts Academy** 

Weekend Performing Arts School (Ages 3-18)

1. Introduction

These terms and conditions are set out to ensure that all students and parents/guardians understand the expectations, responsibilities, and policies of United Arts Academy, a weekend performing arts school. They are designed to maintain a safe, positive, and productive learning environment for all students.

2. Enrolment and Attendance

- Enrolment

- A completed registration form and payment must be submitted before a student is enrolled. 

 - By enrolling, parents/guardians agree to these terms and conditions.

- Students are expected to attend all scheduled classes and arrive on time. 

 - If a student is unable to attend due to illness or other reasons, parents/guardians should notify the academy in advance. 

 - Students should arrive at least 5 minutes before the start of their class to ensure they are ready for warm-ups and rehearsals. 

3. Fees and Payments

- Payment Schedule 

- Fees must be paid in full before the start of each term. 

- Payment plans or termly payments may be arranged upon request.

- Fees are non-refundable once a term has started, except in exceptional circumstances at the discretion of the academy. 

- A late fee may apply if payments are not received by the due date. 

- The academy reserves the right to suspend or discontinue classes for students whose fees are not paid in full.

4. Code of Conduct

All students are expected to adhere to the following guidelines to ensure a positive and safe environment for everyone:

- Students must treat teachers, staff, and fellow students with respect. 

- Bullying, inappropriate language, or disrespectful behaviour will not be tolerated.

 - Students are encouraged to actively participate in all class activities, performances, and rehearsals. 

 - Students must follow the teacher’s instructions during class and respect the learning process of others.

 - Any disruptive behaviour will be addressed by the teacher or staff, and repeated offences may result in a meeting with parents or guardians. 

 - In severe cases, disciplinary actions may include temporary suspension or permanent exclusion from the academy.

 - Students must wear UAA uniform and appropriate clothing / footwear such as comfortable, non-restrictive, suitable for dance or movement. 

 - Specific performance costumes will be provided or arranged when necessary, and students are expected to take care of these items. 

 - No jewellery or accessories that may interfere with movement or pose a safety risk are allowed.

 - Students are responsible for their own belongings, and the academy cannot be held liable for lost or stolen items. 

 - Mobile phones and other electronic devices must be turned off or set to silent during classes and rehearsals, they are not to be used during class times at ant point unless instructed.

5. Health and Safety

 - Parents/guardians must inform the academy of any medical conditions, allergies, or special needs a student may have. 

 - Any necessary medication or medical equipment should be provided, and the academy must be aware of its use.

-While the academy takes every precaution to prevent injuries, students must inform staff immediately if they feel unwell or are injured during class. 

-First aid will be administered by qualified staff if needed, and parents/guardians will be informed of any incidents.

- Students and parents/guardians must be familiar with the academy’s fire and emergency evacuation procedures. 

 - In the event of an emergency, students will be led to a safe area and parents/guardians will be contacted.

6. Safeguarding and Child Protection

- Safeguarding Policy

 - United Arts Academy is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all students. All staff are subject to enhanced DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) checks. 

 - If a student feels unsafe or has concerns, they are encouraged to speak with the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) or another trusted staff member.

- Parents/guardians must ensure that they collect their child promptly at the end of each class or rehearsal. 

- If another adult will be collecting the child, the academy must be informed in advance.

7. Performances and Rehearsals

- All students are encouraged to participate in the academy’s performances, and at additional rehearsals where required.

 - Performance dates will be communicated in advance, and students are expected to commit to these dates.

 - Some performances may require specific costumes or props, which may be provided by the academy or the parent/guardian. 

 - Parents/guardians will be informed in advance of any costume requirements or associated costs.

8.Media and Photography

- The academy may take photographs or videos during classes, rehearsals, or performances for promotional purposes (e.g., website, social media, brochures). 

 - By enrolling, parents/guardians consent to their child’s image being used in academy marketing materials. 

 - If parents/guardians do not wish their child to be photographed or filmed, they must inform the academy in writing.

9. Data Protection

- United Arts Academy collects and processes personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). 

 - Parents/guardians must ensure that contact details are kept up to date and that the academy is informed of any changes.

 - Any personal information shared with the academy will be kept confidential and will not be shared with third parties without consent, except in the case of safeguarding concerns or legal requirements.

10. Termination of Enrolment

- If a parent/guardian wishes to withdraw their child from the academy, they must provide two weeks written notice. 

 - Any outstanding fees must be settled before withdrawal is complete.

- The academy reserves the right to terminate a student’s enrolment if they breach the code of conduct, fail to attend regularly without valid reason, or engage in behaviour that disrupts the learning environment for others.

11. Changes to Terms and Conditions

The academy reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time. Parents/guardians will be informed of any changes in writing, and continued enrollment at the academy will be considered acceptance of any updated terms.

12. Acknowledgment

By enrolling at United Arts Academy, the student and their parent/guardian confirm that they have read, understood, and agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined above.